
Friday, October 18, 2019

Where did they come from? Part 2: Mooneys & Morans.

As noted in Part 1 of this post, almost all the Hallinan & Mooney ancestors can be traced to Ireland. (The lone exception is the Morris family. More about them below.) While getting more specific than "Ireland" isn't always possible, we can identify at least a county of origin for most of the ancestral families, and for some we can be even more precise.

Where did they come from? Part 1: Hallinans & Laracys.

With the exception of one family, the Hallinan & Mooney ancestors can be traced to Ireland. (The exception is the Morris family. More about them later.) Given the significant gaps in 19th-century (and earlier) records, getting more specific than "Ireland" isn't always possible. Still, for most of the immigrant ancestral units it's possible to identify at least a county of origin, and for some we can cite even more precise locations.

The Great Mackinac Island Car Caper of 1938.

Last month, Vice President Pence's visit to Mackinac Island ruffled a few feathers because it involved the VP's eight-SUV motorcade cruising around on the formerly car-free resort island. Inevitably, the incident called to mind a much earlier breach of Mackinac's strict anti-internal-combustion-engine protocols. This one took place more than 80 years ago, and the culprits were that pair of Painesville anarchists, the Notorious Hallinan Brothers, Paul and Art.